"It is the most profitable thing you could choose to do over your lifetime."
R. Nelson Nash said it plain and clear and I'm here to help you understand exactly how to do it. I want to teach you how to employ the Infinite Banking Concept to your life and finances, and help you build wealth for your family and future generations. I will be happy to personally walk you through the process and help you get started today—no charge whatsoever.

Robin is a licensed insurance agent who practices the Infinite Banking Concept and is teaching folks of all walks and ages how to use their personal banking system to Save & Spend their money at the very same time.

Watch the video above and then get on Robin's calendar. She'll be happy to personally call you, answer your questions, and help you get started.

Hi, my name is Robin Washington. I am a wife, mother of two, grandmother of four, residing in Jacksonville, FL and I love to learn.

I stepped into the financial industry in 1996 when my husband and I had an intense discussion about money, and I realized neither one of us knew how money worked nor how to get money to work for us. Neither one of us grew up in an entrepreneurial-minded family or had an educational background in money. How do we make financial decisions when we know nothing about money except how to work for it and how to spend it?

How do we get money to work for us? This was the question I set out to find the answer to. It was time for my husband and I to grow our financial understanding, so that we could make wise decisions about our money instead of rolling the dice with our money. The Bible says seek and you shall find, so seeking is what I set out to do.

My journey began when I was introduced to a book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. Little did I know that this book would shape our family's financial future for decades.

Another pivotal book that shifted our financial picture was the Infinite Banking Concept by R. Nelson Nash. Developing your own privatized banking system was key to one’s financial success.

Now, over 15 years later, I have the answer to that vital question. While there is always room to expand my knowledge, the financial lifestyle, both physically and mentally, has positioned my family to move in a positive direction. My husband and I have passed this knowledge on to our children, our parents, our siblings and now to our grandchildren. We are successfully building our family financial dynasty.

The knowledge I’ve gained doesn't stop with just my family. I am passionate and deeply devoted to promoting financial literacy and empowering individuals, families, and businesses economically. My mission is to help educate clients on the Infinite Banking Concept and help them develop their privatized banking systems that will assist them in building, protecting, preserving, and transferring wealth for generations to come.

By utilizing the strength of the financial tools and resources that I have learned along the way, I am able to offer my clients outstanding service and have earned a reputation for integrity and for showing true concern in helping others reach their dreams and achieve their financial goals.

My background has prepared me for the financial work that I do now as a Life Insurance agent and an Infinite Banking Concept Specialist:

  • Educator – 16 years: I developed the skills of teaching while serving as an administrator of a large home school program and home educating my children for 16 years.

  • Entrepreneur – 20+ years: Successfully growing and managing my own home-based business and starting three companies, taught me the power of financial tools and products to help build and protect wealth.

  • Investor – 20+ years: Procuring and managing real estate holdings taught me the importance of investing for the future

  • Ambassador for the City Chamber of Commerce: Working as an Ambassador for the City Chamber taught me the importance of my civic duty to the business community and how to work collaboratively with others to get a job done.

  • Graduate of DeVry University: Stepping into the area of technology was definitely out of my comfort zone but it taught me how to take the complex and make it simple.


    • Individual Life Insurance

    • Fixed Immediate & Deferred Annuities

    • Long Term Care


    • Infinite Banking Needs

    • Life Insurance Needs

    • College Funding

    • Mortgage Protection

    • Charitable Giving

    • Generational Wealth


    • Buy-Sell Funding

    • Deferred Compensation

    • Executive Bonus

    • Key Person Protection


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The Cash Compound is a consulting agency run by licensed insurance producers.

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